Just a Taste...

Here you'll find a constantly evolving space devoted to the elements that make us human - on the deepest, but most simple, level.

The art of the ultimate human experience - the practice of slow living; conscious & ethical travel; the preservation of diversity & cultural tradition; celebration of what the human body & mind are capable of (and how to get there, too).

Ultimately, I explore what life really is, why we're here, and what we should do about it.

Looking for answers to life's biggest questions is where you'll find me.

See you on the road,
x Savannah

Sup, Buttercup?
Little Stories of My Life

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Paleo Magazine • 2017 August / September

Cover photo & 18 recipes photographed for the 2017 August/September issue of Paleo Magazine. Shot on location in Naples, Florida.
Paleo Magazine